Çox oxunanlar

12 Nisan 2010 Pazartesi

The special corset

It is important that patients with neurological complications degenerative lumbar disc disease get in active life as early as possible. Because these patients take analgesic and muscle relaxants drugs, their pain and protective activity in muscles are reduce. Therefore, pressure increase on nerves is more and develops pathological process.

We have studied more than 40 lumbosacral corsets offered till now for treatment low back pains. We designed principally new form corset. Our corset was applied on more than 1250 patients with acute herniation of lumbosacral disks, after manual therapy throughout 14 years.

Rigid corsets, prepared specially for each patient, connect the lowest point of thorax with pelvis, thus dispense load and reduce pressure on herniated lumbar disk and strictly restricts movements of lumbar region. Compressing spine and abdomen by corset, intra-abdominal and lymphatic pressure are rise, therefore increase tonus of spine. Nutrition to disc gets better, temperature increased in lumbar spine. As a result is correction of spinal curve deformity, protection against spinal instability and further deformations and complications are prevented.

Corset is to pull hard fastened at the end of an exhalation, when the patient lays. For warned complications, of not desirable influences (of pressure on soft fabrics and atrophy of muscles), as soon as possible begins physical trainings at lie up situation.

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